PHOTOS: Meet Ratanang, Julius Malema son from another mother

In spite of his political woes and current status, Julius Malema is still a human being. He has worked hard all day to serve the public and his organization, and he can’t wait to get home to his family. Julius Malema has a wife and a house to take care of in addition to his regular responsibilities.






God’s blessings on Julius Malema, a married man, continue with the gift of three beautiful children. Two different ladies gave birth to all three of Julius Malema’s sons. Malema’s first wife was a Zimbabwean woman, but he later divorced her and married Mantwa Matlala. Ratanang Malema is their son together.

Julius Malema married the lady he thought was his soul mate in 2013, and in 2016 the pair had their first child. The happy couple and their two sons are currently settling into their marital home in Johannesburg.

Even though he is one of South Africa’s most powerful leaders, Julius Malema has no qualms about posting adorable photos of his kids on Twitter and Instagram. Malema flaunts the fact that he is a doting father and husband on his various social media accounts.

What you’re reading is the author’s take on things.

Malema is acting like a responsible public figure in South Africa when it comes to showing affection to his children. He’s a great role model for other men since he always puts his family first. Malema’s actions are admirable and will serve as a model for future African leaders. During his talk to the country’s youth, Malema discusses the need of nurturing the next generation.

Upon hearing the name Ratanang Malema, the firstborn of Julius Malema, what images or thoughts come to mind? We welcome your feedback in the section below, and invite you to join our mailing list so that you can be kept abreast of any new information.