People never expected Connie to say this during Shona’s funeral

The king of the games or shall I say the king of acting the king of scenes died last week and left many in pain and sorrow. Especially his family, and fans too, who is this king am I talking about? It is none other than Shona Ferguson. He left us unexpected and it was really too soon for him to live us.




But if God had other plans for him, who are we to say that it was not yet time? Yes we may feel that way but God decided his fate. God decided to take him from us. Maybe he already served his purpose in this earth, but it will never be acceptable to Connie Ferguson that she lost her husband.

20 years of marriage is not a child’s play. She will really miss all those moments spent with her. In most funerals people turn to copy what others were saying and they never pour out their hearts. They never fully speak what they are feeling from within. But today during Shona’s funeral, Connie his wife spoke her heart indeed. That most people were touched by her words.

I would not be able to write all she said, but I will try my best to summarise it for you, and if you want to listen to the whole thing, you can click the link I will provide at the end of this article and it will take you to Shona’s funeral. It was a very sad moment and she even broke into tears as she spoke the words. Surely she and her children will miss Shona unlike anyone will.

She revealed that her and Shona Ferguson were used to doing most things together, like praying together, hitting the Jim together, singing songs of praise and worship together, praying together, believing God together, saying psalms together and more. She reveals that she has lost a piece of her, and that she will never get used to the fact that he is gone.

She revealed that her life will not be the same anymore without her beloved, Shona. Test this is very much painful indeed. But our deepest condolences to the Ferguson family and I pray that may God be with them and strengthen them. May he guard over them in this painful time and may he guide them in his path. May the Shona’s soul rest in peace.

What would be your comment on this? What would be your words to the Ferguson family?

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