About a few days ago Faith Nketsi took to her social media accounts and shared a picture of herself pregnant then later shared a picture of a baby, sharing that she gave birth leaving people in shock, because some of them didn’t know that she was pregnant. So since she shared that she has a baby, she also took it upon herself to share the name of the baby.
Musa Khawula took to his social media account and shared another pregnancy picture of Faith Nketsi and a screenshot shared by faith Nketsi on he Instagram account written Sky Njilo.
To some people names means a lot to them, and some people won’t understand why did parents decides to give their child a certain name. Because no parents will just decide to give their child a name without a meaning, every name has a meaning behind it.
Like what Faith Nketsi did when she decided to name her child Sky. Though some people are making fun of her saying how do you name an African child Sky. Why didn’t she use an African name. They are saying she is forgetting that she is an Africa, why did she choose an American name is she coping the Kardashians now because she is obsessed with them.
This is not about the name here. But there are people who are just against Faith Nketsi and her husband. First it was her husband, people were making fun of her husband’s surname today they are making fun of her baby’s name. When it comes to Faith Nketsi people will always have something negative to say.
If it’s not the baby’s name, is her husband’s Surname and the her marriage. Now long they were saying she won’t last in that marriage and he husband is a gangster, today this, that is why am saying people will always talk whether you do right or wrong they will always talk. People should just leave faith Nketsi and her family alone to enjoy what they have.