People Are Finding Creative Ways to Live With Load Shedding, See What These Women Did Their

They say that if you can’t beat them, you better join them, as long as you stay on the winning side. South Africa has been struggling with load shedding for the past many years. People have tried to complain as much as they can, but nothing seems to be helping; it only gets worse with time. Many people have been saying that if we can’t do anything to stop it, we better get used to living with it. Eskom’s problems seem to be getting worse each day, so people just have to normalize living with load shedding.



Following all that, there is a group of women that left many people inspired and motivated on social media. We all know that December is a time when people release their whole year’s savings so that they can spoil themselves and their families. Many people play stokvel, where they save money in a group and buy food in bulk during the festive season so that the food can last them the whole year while they are saving for the next.

Due to constant load shedding, this group of women decided to buy a gas stove instead of buying groceries with their savings. They did this so that they could cook even when there was load shedding. This stove came with a gas cylinder that served as a pier to the stove. This is very impressive; instead of complaining that the government is letting them down, they did something to save themselves.