Pearl Modiadie celebrates baby’s 1st birthday with baby daddy

Pearl Modiadie is a South African television presenter, radio DJ, actress and producer best known to TV audiences for presenting the SABC1 music talk show Zaziwa.She was hor. On the 29th of December 1987 in Tembisa Gauteng Province.

The talented Presenter attended Norkem Park high and later went to further her studies at Rosebank College.Pearl is a proud mother of a handsome boy named Lewatle.Today is was Lewatle’s first birthday and his mother Pearl posted their beautiful pictures posing together with his father as they celebrated their sons first birthday.






Since the birth of Lewatle his mother has never revealed face pictures of Lewatle.She always posts pictures with Lewatle but his face is never shown.With his first birthday it would have been good to his the young man’s face but his mother decided to post pictures that does not reveal face.She captioned ” We love you very much Lewatle, happy first birthday “. This very heartwarming for Pearl to love, cherish and celebrate her son.Every milestone must be celebrated no matter how insignificant you think it is, to little ones it means a lot.