Pastor Alph Lukau who raised Elliot from the dead shows off multi-million rand Car – Pictures

Pastor Alph Lukau

There is never a dull moment on social media streets, especially on Twitter where people get to express whatever they feel like letting out. There has never passed a day without any drama or hot trends, which has made it very active all the time.

Celebrities, politicians, you name them, are scrutinized each time they get to share something on the platform. Just recently, a well-known tweep, Man’s NOT Barry Roux shared pictures of the man of God, Pastor Alph Lukau who made shocking waves after ‘raising a man from the dead’, flexing in a multi-million rand car, Rolls-Royce Cullinan SUV.‘In case you have been thinking where Alpha Lukau, the guy who woke up Elliot from the dead is. Here he is with his new Rolls-Royce Cullinan SUV. Scam them Papa’, he wroteSouth Africa is safe heaven for foreigners who scam people using fake miracles, Try that in Nigeria, Nigerians are quick to deport foreigners in their country.