Painful: single woman shares how she only has a fridge and bed with his 2 kids

Sometimes starting over it’s not that easy some people might stay in a toxic relationship or with someone only because they have everything they need material things. But they are not happy emotionally and that’s why you find that some people end up being in abusive relationship because they don’t want to start over.




Sometimes being a mother it’s hard because there are some decisions that they have to take and some of the decisions that they have to take will either affect their children or it will build them. That’s why it is very much important for mothers to always make sure that they put their kids first in everything . Some mothers would rather go somewhere and leave their children to be raised by other people rather than take them along with them. But some women would rather risk it all and take their kids start a new life seeing them happy rather than living them behind with someone they don’t know for them to be abused.

A lady left people emotional and also proud of her after sharing a picture of herself and her children, below is what the lady shared: So we moved here in June, we have nothing but a bed and Our fridge but you know what’s the best part of this? There’s so much peace, my son has already made a friend. And I’m going to turn this house into a home 🏡 for me, my son, the kids in my informal settlement, let’s go ❤️.

The lady didn’t go into details why she decided to take this decision but people are proud of her. This kind of situation are not that easy to get through them there will be challenges along the way, she might even feel like giving up. But what’s important is that she took the decision and sometimes to be somewhere you must start somewhere, this is what we call growing up.