Scandal: Why Tebello’s Mom Can’t Be Trusted

There’s something dodgy about Tebello’s mother; Seipati played by Nolo Seabi. She seems too good to be true; she seems too sweet and too innocent. People like this are the most cunning kind because they will disappoint you when you least expect it.

Remember she had bruises when she arrived at the Newtonian? She hasn’t explained where those bruises come from or who is abusing her at the moment. She has a terrible track record with men, so whoever is abusing her right now, is the mastermind behind her return to reclaim her son from his legal guardians.

People trust her because she’s soft-spoken, she’s delightful and looks fragile. Lerumo and Neo are not even doing a background check on her. They don’t even know where she stays right now or who she’s staying with. They are all so caught up in the moment, with Tebello’s love for his mother that they haven’t noticed who she really is. Everyone is under her spell; even the social worker, except for Yvonne Langa who is not even in the soapie anymore.Did you notice how she didn’t want to do an interview with Yvonne? She knows that Yvonne bribed Tebello’s father to stay away from his son but can’t tell anyone because she doesn’t want to lose her son. She can’t provide for her son and she’s also ashamed of her past, she even suggested the interview be moved to another time when they had network issues. She’s got a lot of anger issues towards Yvonne and doesn’t seem to be grateful that Yvonne saved her son.
When she turned down Neo’s money, she was bluffing. She and her abuser planned the whole thing. She’s pretending to get a job and get a place to stay so that she can kidnap her own son for a huge ransom.

If a mother can choose a man over her son once, she will most likely do it again. Seipati is here because of a man who is abusing and threatening her. Let’s hope that Tebello will make it!

Rhythm City: Sindiswa Catches Sabelo In Bed With Puleng

As I previously predicted, Sabelo (Ishamel Songo) and Puleng (Tebogo Khalo) do have feelings for one another. When Sabelo and Sindiswa (Mbali Zakwe) were off, Puleng and Sabelo had a one-night stand and Sabelo caught feelings for Puleng. While the one night stand was a confidence booster for Puleng, it was disastrous for Sabelo. Sabelo now has a change of heart about the kind of woman he wants to be with. He no longer lusts for dramatic, egoistical, immature women like his girlfriend who make him feel less of a man. Sabelo was ready to break-up with his girlfriend until she popped the question. Neither Sabelo nor Puleng expected Sindiswa to propose on live radio because she’s always played games with him and never took him seriously.

In fact, if Puleng hadn’t made Sindiswa realize that Sabelo is a good catch, she wouldn’t have proposed at all. Puleng is mature about the whole thing because she genuinely doesn’t have feelings for Sabelo. However, her feelings may change when they actually start prepping for the wedding.

Sabelo already told Puleng that he doesn’t want to marry Sindiswa because he’s fallen in love with her. But Puleng has never been selfish and knows what it’s like for someone to steal the man you’re dating because she went through it with Suffocate multiple times. Sabelo and Sindiswa have a lot of history that goes way back to when Sabelo’s dead sister; Dineo was still alive.However, things are not over between Sabelo and Puleng yet. They will have a second nightstand, and a third and fourth until Sindiswa catches them in bed together. Sindiswa will go to Puleng’s house one night to have a heart-to-heart with her. Puleng is going to forget to lock her door and Sindiswa will catch them in bed together.

Puleng might be mature but she’s a softie. She’s going to catch feelings as well and she won’t be able to deny her feelings for him anymore. Their friend; Jamaica already suspects that something happened between them…remember the look on his face when Sabelo spilled coffee on Puleng?


THE HEAVILY armed suspects thought they managed to get away with their stolen cash, but that lasted for just a few minutes.

This is because they had a gunfight with the cops and the men and women in blue won, the money was recovered and they were bust.

The SunTeam arrived just before 6am today at the crossing of George Lubbe and OR Tambo, formerly known as Church Street in Bloemfontein, where the BMW sedan and the guards’ van had smashed into each other.

Firefighters were extinguishing the burning BMW at the scene. About 2km down OR Tambo, the cash van had been involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle and R200 notes and cartridges surrounded the two burning vehicles.

The suspects had fled the scene and the police were searching for them in a chopper.

After 12pm, the road joining the N6 was still closed. Colonel Thandi Mbambo said they were compiling information on the crime from various scenes.

The heavily armed suspects thought they managed to get away with their stolen cash, but that lasted for just a few minutes.0 Comments

THE HEAVILY armed suspects thought they managed to get away with their stolen cash, but that lasted for just a few minutes.

This is because they had a gunfight with the cops and the men and women in blue won, the money was recovered and they were bust.

The SunTeam arrived just before 6am today at the crossing of George Lubbe and OR Tambo, formerly known as Church Street in Bloemfontein, where the BMW sedan and the guards’ van had smashed into each other.

Firefighters were extinguishing the burning BMW at the scene. About 2km down OR Tambo, the cash van had been involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle and R200 notes and cartridges surrounded the two burning vehicles.

The suspects had fled the scene and the police were searching for them in a chopper.

After 12pm, the road joining the N6 was still closed. Colonel Thandi Mbambo said they were compiling information on the crime from various scenes.

The heavily armed suspects thought they managed to get away with their stolen cash, but that lasted for just a few minutes.

There allegedly were other suspects who hijacked the truck when the others were bust. A source said one suspect was shot in the hand and his finger was found on the ground.

“We will be able to find that suspect by his finger.

Cases of armed robbery and cash-in-transit heist will be opened for investigation. Four suspects have been arrested. The fifth suspect died at hospital after being shot in the head. Some of the stolen money was recovered. We are still busy with the scene.”

Mbambo said their head office would be issuing a statement with more information

Nandi Madida opens up about things between her and hubby Zakes Bantwini

Nandi Madida opens up about things between her and hubby Zakes Bantwini

Ordinary folk had to stay home with nothing to do during the lockdown. But Mzansi power couple Zakes Bantwini and Nandi Madida made big moves.

After being married for four years, the couple have decided to hit the studio and make music together.

With the coronavirus lockdown in place, they had enough time to work together because their schedules were not as hectic as usual.

Speaking to SunBuzz, Nandi said: “We were not our usual busy selves, so we had time to collaborate on a song called Organic, which is due for release on 18 September.”

They wanted the collaboration to happen organically. She said they had other projects in the pipeline.

Nandi said: “It’s beautiful to now be able to work together.

“We’ve both enjoyed fruitful careers, but we’re also powerful working together.

“It’s beautiful that we’re able to also work together to achieve the same amount of success we’re able to achieve individually.

“We didn’t want to force things, as we believe that things need to happen naturally.

Nandi, a singer, and actress, said she and her husband’s business and TV projects would be behind the scenes.

“We’re working behind the scenes on our upcoming projects,” she said.

“And this time we’re more involved behind the scenes as opposed to in front.

“It will all be shared soon with everyone.”

Zakes was just as upbeat about working with his beautiful wife.

“We did a song for a movie by Akin Omotoso, Tell Me Sweet Something, so working with my wife again on this project was amazing.