pupils and politicians alike filled up the Spirit Ambassadors International Church in Nzhelele in Limpopo yesterday. As much as people loved Lufuno they are not caring about anything except standing with her. There was a learner in the picture below who was there when Lufuno was beaten up.

“Let the youth rest in peace,but name politician make mi sicks,they messup everything even the teachers can’t discipline the school children ,teachers they scared of the children,serious matter while politicians makes speeches. What about the girl who assaulted her. I hope she is not feeling bad. They are just kids, kids still don’t have emotional intelligence, they are cruel most of the time because they have not develop frontal lobe that helps with emotional intelligence and empathy.
I do not think the whole school was part of the few kids that witnessed the bullying and take videos instead of helping and at the same time we should thank that pupil who took the video because it could have been word against word without evidence.
So lets let the ones who are sending off their friend grieve in peace. This should be a lesson to both parents and children. How we raise our kids, do we instill manners in them or we encourage bullying. Do we fight in front of our own children, bullying is a result of a lot happening at home.
What example do we show our kids at home as parents. Dads do you respect your wives or disrespect your wives in front of your own kids, wives do we respect our husband in front of our kids.
How often do we spend do you dads spend time with your own kids bond with them mums do you spend time with your children bond with them.
Do we have a relationship with our children. A lot is at factor to both parties . How often do we check on our kids. It’s not teacher’s job it’s us as parents .Can’t help but wonder if the pupils that cheered her attacker was also there. May God grant them a newfound wisdom as to the consequences of their actions
May God also provide solice for her parents, siblings and friends. This should never have happened 😔 😔” said a Facebook followers