Meadowlands has sworn to rescue a 109-year-old gogo who was evicted on Wednesday.
The EFF, ActionSA, and worried neighbors guarded the three-room dwelling.
A video of new homeowner Jacob Joel Moalusi frog-marching the elderly Kenaope Mosidi has caused a stir online.
On arrival, community members tried to solve Mosidi’s dilemma.
Pitso Tone informed The Star that her aunt had been moved to an unknown age home for safety.
Her aunt supposedly sold the residence to Moalusi through one of her granddaughters, Kedibone. The neighborhood says the grandchild never lived there.
“We don’t know where Gogo is. How is she doing? My mother is heartbroken that her sister will suffer because of this bogus sale.
The neighborhood has sworn to safeguard Gogo’s home, where she lives with her grandchildren. Tone said, “She’s frail and homeless.”
According to Tone, Kedibone’s father is a relative named Moalusi. The Vaal-based Kedibone couldn’t be reached for comment.
No one can sell this family home because it belongs to Gogo and other family members.
“Gogo’s granddaughter shouldn’t have sold the house to her cousin. “We have no confirmation that the residence was sold,” she stated.
Tone said that Moalusi was rude and broke things in the house when his bodyguards came in and told everyone to leave.
An unidentified community member agreed.
The Star said that until the Department of Housing and legal paperwork were done, no one would be able to live there.
“Social services have taken over in the interim while we look for housing for the family’s two children.” Once everything is determined, we’ll know about the new homeowner, stated Tambani.
He enforced an eviction order after giving the family 31 days’ notice to leave.
Colonel Mavela Masondo, a police spokesperson, said he learned of the event on social media and that the police would not intervene because it was a civil problem.
At the time this article was written, social services didn’t know where or how Gogo Mosidi was.