Our Perfect Wedding bride Mbali stuns viewers

Our Perfect wedding viewers were left stunned by last night’s wedding bride. The bride revealed to the viewers that she actually googled her wedding dress, which fitted her perfectly, she looked like she was taken from a magazine. Mbali was stunning on her mermaid dress, it worked very well with her.

She kept her look natural yet classy, Mbali looked like a bride should on her wedding day. Nothing could be faulted on this wedding, the decor was exquisite very clean and neat. The people camping outside were more than the people inside the tents, it gave you the feel on those olden days weddings.



Simon the groom is outspoken but he looked ravishing on his wedding day as well, he complimented the bride perfectly which some grooms fail to achieve. Mbali’s second dress was yet another show stopper. Viewers felt like the couple didn’t have chemistry, and Mbali didn’t look happy but she revealed she helped with the decorations and didn’t have much sleep. Congratulations to Simon and Mbali.