On yesterday’s podcast and chill, legendary Oskido gave viewers a side of him that they probably did not know that. He spoke about his journey, and seems to have left nothing out. During the interview, he spoke about his journey and how he got to where he is now. He mentioned why they were never friends with Arthur Mafokate, and stated that it is because they were rivals, since both of them have record labels. outsmart his rivals and there is a particular .
He even mentioned that Arthur had artists who copied the musical group that they had signed up, Bongo Maffin. It then escalated when they one day saw one of the people from their recording label in Arthur’s music video. He says the person in the music video was Lebo Mathosa.
He says they suspected Arthur and Lebo were dating, or sleeping with each other. However, to this date it is still not clear to anyone what was really going on between the two. He says maybe one day Arthur will state his side of the story, and reveal what was really happening between him and Lebo.
The two were never friends or in speaking terms, until recently. Oskido says they now speak because their daughters are friends.