OPINION: Skeem Saam – Is Phuti set to lose the job because Mr Kgomo is preying on Melita?

There seems to be a new vulture in town and he seems to be preying on his female staff.

Turf hospital hot shot Mr Kgomo is slowly turning out to be a predator. He started off preying on Celia until she quit her job and left Turfloop.

Mr Kgomo was taking advantage that Celia’s husband Alfred had become partially blind and this presented him with the perfect opportunity to pounce.




It seems the script has now shifted. When Celia left her job as the receptionist, a vacant post had to be filled.

Turf hospital advertised the vacancy and many applicants tried their luck including the acting receptionist Phuti.

Phuti had seemingly won the job until Mr Kgomo summoned Melita to his office. She begged for job to such an extent that Mr Kgomo sent Phuti an email advising him that he had lost the job.

Melita is set to be appointed as the new receptionist amid the controversy.

But the question remains – will she be able to work at Turf hospital given her recent past failures?