Opinion: Is Kwaito onto something about Wallet being his father?

Kwaito recently found out that Seakamela is not his father. And he’s been nagging his mother to tell him the truth about his father but his mother is trying by all means to hide the truth from him. Kwaito even told his mother that if he doesn’t tell him the truth, every time he sees men he will wondering whether one of them is his father. Though Kwaito said that his mother still kept the truth from him.

Then Kwaito asked if Wallet is his father, but MaNtuli quickly said no. Kwaito though that Wallet is his father because he is talented just like him. Wallet is a writer and so is Kwaito. Wallet also cares a lot about Kwaito, when Kwaito had troubles in his teenage years Kwaito is the one who wanted the best for him. He encouraged him a lot. MaNtuli can’t stand Wallet’s sight, this made Kwaito think that there’s a possibility that Wallet could be his father.

Yesterday Wallet went to check up on Kwaito. Kwaito told him that he has a writer’s block, he asked Kwaito to show him his work so that he can help him. Kwaito showed him the work and he managed to get the right words to finish Kwaito’s sentences. Kwaito was happy and this made think that Wallet could be his father.

Kwaito might think that Wallet is his father but that’s not the reality/truth. The person who is his father doesn’t even live far from him. Kwaito doesn’t even think that the person who is his father is his father. Kwaito’s father is John Maputla. If you have seen his facial expression when he was told Seakamela is not Kwaito’s father. His expression said a lot. MaNtuli called him yesterday and said that they should meet and it’s urgent. She wants to tell him about his son.