OPINION| Does the late Mampintsha deserve more public sympathy from the government?

A question arises whether the problems of well known individuals are worse than those of lesser known people, the degree of pain and difficulties being relatively the same. Does a Mampintsha or any celebrity or known person deserve more public sympathy than, for example a street kid who dies excruciatingly unbeknown because of lack of television and or media exposure? I came across a desperate plea for help from a well-known radio personality I made a few calls to friends in the industry, and they confirmed that, indeed, the plea is genuine. 




I don’t know Solly Mputle I have never met him other than through the medium of Radio those who follow him attest to an individual who has set many entrepreneurs up through matchmaking, and the network power of radio the fate of self neglect befalls many good hearted people while their acts mean the world to people whom they have never met or only just met. Their good hearts are exploited, and they are taken advantage of his voice is velvety and has brought beautiful moments to many familiesThe medium of radio has been with us for a long time we grew up listening to the radio as a medium of news and entertainment the night time stories transported us to a world we had never been to, the broadcasters of the day were wordsmiths of note, from the news in the early morning and every hour after that to kindergarten stories after 9 am to the midday news. 

The anchors kept us enthralled and glued to the radio the after-eight soapies on the radio would be relayed a thousand times by both adults and children, and the dramatic and artistic amongst us would caricature the dramatis personae almost word by word. Our relationship with radio became personal, and we thus identified with all the anchors radio sports commentary was and are still second to none. Hence voice and image are still highly preferred, the best soccer commentator to grace the airwaves must still be MPK. You could visualise and see Ace, Teenage, Jomo, and Tornado in motion the best days of our lives were spent listening to the radio. That’s what sets a radio commentator apart the power and art of description, listening and talkingWhen Solly cried out I understood it not to mean only finances although his bank account was on display, the public cry out should be understood as a cry of many individuals, particularly males who are excessively burdened and don’t have an outlet. Being loaded, we take up all activities; we overindulge abd we become victims of our indulgences those who are pressured by society to provide when it is obvious they can’t. 

If our existence this year must be any means, can we proffer a collective prayer that we be released from the clutches of excessive material want, from the excessive indulgence of whatever? the crass materialism that has engulfed our every being must be defeated, can we be engulfed by the spirit of life and let live?