Umkhokha is a South African drama/series created in 2021 and made it departure on TV late in 2021, this series revolves around the fight of who should be the rightful king and the leader of the church. The head of the Mthembu family who was the leader of Ithempeli Lenkosi,
When he died and his son which was in jail got out and became a lead ler as his father has wished, he got married he was supposed to get married but fiancee committed suicide and ended up marrying his fiancee’s sister from the same church he was placed as,
The leader. When the living king got married the mother of the of the pride used the sister of the bride to try and kill the bride her child, the came as a shock when her husband found out that his wife wanted to kill their child and also was
The reason for their second older daughter to commit suicide she was then arrested when everyone witnessed and said she is indeed guilty. This series has out numbered many saopies and became the social media sensation for the past months,
And it was loved by many, always number one on the trends list. It had the good start up because of good actors and actress on it such as Nay Maps who is the leader of the Temple, Deli Malinga as MaMzobe and Hope Mbhele as MaBusi to name a few. This show proved that limited series have a bigger,
Impact and audience which can make a difference with bringing many telenovelas on DSTV. The Umkhokha series beats The Queen having 967k viewers, it made the second most watched on DSTV, dethroning The Queen which peaked at 937k. After the first season of Umkhokha ended The Queen reclaimed it position,
With having one of their episode on 973k peak episode.