Ntsiki Mazwai Drags Somizi Poor SomGaGa didn’t see that coming

Ntsiki Mazwai doesn’t rest at all! Sis woke up in the early hours this morning to drag Somizi, who was probably sleeping on his expensive bed in his luxurious mansion. Meanwhile, Ntsiki made sure to let everyone know what she thinks of Somizi.
What could have been a peaceful Tuesday turned out to be very unpeaceful one on the Twitter streets, simply because Ntsiki Mazwai decided to drag yet another ZAleb today.Lol it’s cute if u think people like Somizi will make history…. Maybe the old Somizi who had a craft. But the new Somizi is just gonna be rich in this lifetime but won’t make history. Money and wealth doesn’t make history unless you CREATED something.”

“Capitalism gave us celebrities to distract us from real issues affecting us…. Who is the Somizi of white people?? Or it’s just us who celebrate empty vessels who shout loudly??”

It is still not clear why Ntsiki decided to attack Somizi, who is yet to respond, but she clearly couldn’t care less about what he might think or say. Poor SomGaGa isn’t the first ZAleb that Ntsiki decided to throw major shade at, a few days ago she dragged Sizwe Dhlomo for being privileged.

In a long Twitter thread on Friday, 30 October 2020, Ntsiki looked back on Sizwe’s comment that claimed Black South Africans have it better than any other race in the country. Referencing the tweet, which was made back in May 2020, she stated, “This was the most idiotic representation. When Sizwe called his parents to solve his Twitter wars…. He lost respect. That’s why he is catching so many Ls lately.” It’s no secret that she has never taken a liking to Sizwe, and now she is outright stating that she has no respect for him at all.

We wouldn’t be surprised if Ntsiki Mazwai has a list of celebrities who have offended her in the past and she is dealing with them one by one. his morning was just Somizi’s turn, the two have a history of insulting each other and everyone in the industry knows that they don’t like each other at all.

Hopefully, one day they will crush their beef and Ntsiki can be invited onto Dinner at Somizi’s, until then, we watch from the sidelines.

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