Ntombi Mzolo To Help Mothers Of Angels.

She lost her three-year-old daughter last month.

Ntombi Mzolo is still mourning the death of her daughter Linile Vunani Mzolo who tragically passed away after getting involved in a car accident. But with the strength she still has, she wants to help other mothers who are going through similar heartbreaking losses.






The actress and media personality lost her baby girl in the car accident last month. This is the second child she lost as she lost her son in 2015 due to a rare heart condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. She is a mother to a two angel babies and want to give other mother’s shoulders to cry on.

Ntombi also once shared touching words to mothers who want lost their children.”Sending God’s love, peace and strength to all Mothers of Angels and everyone that has lost a loved or going through life’s challenges. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind.”

She revealed that she will be holding surgeons from others in similar situations, “Since Linile’s passing. I have received a lot of DMs from other Mothers of Angels who need help dealing with their loss. I have been struggling to attend to them all because my DMs a full. If you are a mother of an angel and would like to join our healing sessions, please DM us your contact details. Please take a mother of an angel who needs this. Thank you and God bless you,”she posted.

Linile’s sister post at her funeral service and got applauded for her bravery. Ntombi too was amazed by her daughter’s wonderfully strange she get her to speak at her late sister’s funeral service. There’s a time to cry and there’s a time to smile and just be grateful. If there is one person I was worried about it you my baby and God just showed up and showed off.

” I can’t thank him enough for the strength that he has given you my sweet pumpkin @originalnomnom, I literally see God in you. I am so proud of you my baby and we will do everything in our power to make sure of that you come out of the strong. God doesn’t make mistakes and he will never fail you us. I love you big sister Nom Nom,” she said.