Ntokozo gets dragged on Twitter about BMW and AMG

Ntokozo gets dragged about BMW and AMG after she posts pictures of her husband buying her a new car. It was a great moment that she captioned and shared with everyone worthy of the good news, but not for a long time after Twitter came at her. She was aware that some people were against her and could not congratulate her for the vehicle.




It is very tough in life when you have to get successful because others are jealous, and for some people, it is simply about mocking other people. They are not having to hate, and they are just using the freedom of expression provided by the app. With Twitter, if you are not strong enough to be part of the community, you will not survive.

It will be best if you leave the platform because having something to complain about will not help you. It is part of the community, and Elon Musk is aware of the interaction. He has also received backlash after announcing that being verified will cost $8, and people have not been happy with it. Even though they are trying to object to the monthly fee, he is certain that they will still pay it. Having to complain will not help sometimes.

As for Ntokozo, she is happy, and life continues. People on Twitter are focused, and the moment you make a mistake, they will be on your matter, and the more you get defensive, it will get worse. Sometimes it is best to accept that you have made a mistake and also make fun of it. Makhadzi was tweeting with the wrong spelling but made it fun, and they could not drag her.

If she is no happy with Twitter, then she can move to a different platform and that is what many people have done, because they wanted to get away from the criticism that happens all the time. If you are going to consider what people are saying, it will not go well, and you will spend more time being unhappy because of people you have not met in person.