Ntando Duma has had enough of twitter telling her how to parent her 3-year old daughter

Ntando DumaNtando Duma is tired of tweeps telling her how to parent her 3-year old daughter, Sunanoko as she is known on social media because of her viral memes. But real name, Sbahle Mzizi, has captured the hearts of many South Africans.

So when Ntando posted the teaser for the YouTube vlog of the Sbahle learning to bake, trolls taking to the comments section to share their parenting advice was not part of the plan.Ntando Duma and Sbahle

So when Ntando posted the teaser for the YouTube vlog of the Sbahle learning to bake, trolls taking to the comments section to share their parenting advice was not part of the plan.The first was a tweep that clearly did not do his research and wanted to know if the multi-lingual toddler can speak any other language besides English. Ntando explained to the tweep Sbahle can speak a total of six of the official languages and not just English

Ntando Duma