Nozipho Ntshangase’s Husband, Zola Ntshangase Confirms Lobola Reports

As a man if this Nozipho matter doesn’t wake you up to the harsh reality that you’re on your own, then you’ll have a harsh awakening. Zola has been set up to appear as an abîve husband & father. The video is only telling half the story his, reaction not what led to the reaction









Women will poîson and weaponîze children against their fathers. In this case Nozipho has already braînwashed the kids that their father is bad, that’s why they have turned against him. Children always take the mother’s side
That man is no longer safe in that house, he is now vîewed as an enemy, even by his own children. Ask yourself this, would an man have even spent all that time asking for the keys or he’d have beaten up people
This is a lesson to every man, no matter how much you love your wife and kids, save something on the side for yourself only. Have some investments that your wife and kids don’t know about. Because in your old age, you may be alone, your children turned against you by their mother
You see it everytime, in their old ages, fathers are usually abandoned or cared for less, being punîshed by the children because they inherîted their mother’s anger towards the father
Learn OR perish!!!