Nothing scandalous about Kgomotso Christopher leaving soapie

Kgomotso Christopherhe feisty character was not only a hit with fans but also won her two prestigious South African Film and Television Awards (Saftas) for the past two years.

“A lot of times we have to wake ourselves up from our comfort zone. Good endings are never easy – it’s easier to walk away from a place you hated,” Christopher says.

“I always say this to people: we are not getting any younger and South Africa has a very small industry.

“We all know even internationally as female actors that you have a very short span of your work. It’s not to be negative but one has to be realistic and have perspective.

“For me it’s something I have thought of for a while in evaluating where I would like to go in the next few years.”

Christopher didn’t have anything lined up when she decided to quit the show. While you would expect that her phone was ringing off the hook with new job offers, she says that wasn’t the case.

She went back to auditioning immediately after resigning from the show in December.

“I have been auditioning for things before the announcement was made a month ago.

“I have been doing a lot of auditions and that’s why you must have a plan. I’ve been lucky that the minute I avail myself mentally and spiritually in terms of my career, a new opportunity comes.”

After countless auditions Christopher has landed the gig in Legacy. She will star opposite Michelle Botes, who is renowned for her villainous role as Cherel de Villiers in Isidingo.