Real housewives of Durban is a reality show playing on Mzansi Magic on national TV and it explores the life of 6 Ethekwini or Durban queens who invites the viewers to get a bit of the glimpse of their glamorous and glitty lifestyles, beautiful houses and homes and even go further in showing them their successful careers and businesses. They go deeper in fashion too and explains the kinds of clothes they like, high lavish spending in hobbies and everything they desire.
Nonku is part of the Durban queens and she is so open that she can say anything anyhow and that’s what makes her have quite a lot of viewers who likes her because she always brings new interesting content to keep them wanting more from the next episode but is what she revealed worth it?
Ayanda Ncwane who is the wife of the late Sfiso Ncwane is also part of the queens which though some viewers do not like her because they think she is acting too much instead of being herself on the reality show. Yesterday’s episode had this moment where Nonku was talking and they were eating and chatting and she was heard saying Sfiso Ncwane has another child outside Ayanda’s marriage. Fans were shocked about her statement but the other queens were not that surprised so it looked like they already knew about it but they never thought of announcing it on national TV.
On Twitter, they noticed and below is what they had to say about Nonku after her announcement.