Nomzamo Mbatha Shares A Message Of Hope To Honor World Suicide Prevention Day

Nomzamo Mbatha Shares A Message Of Hope To Honor World Suicide Prevention Day. This is one topic that Nomzamo Mbatha never shies away from discussing. In 2014, she sadly lost her younger sister, Carla to suicide. Ever since then, the celebrated actress and media personality has used her social status to educate many about mental health.

Today the world celebrates Suicide Prevention Day. We all know most of suicide actions and attempts are as a result of mental health problems. Nomzamo took to Twitter to speak to those affected directly and indirectly. She urged the community to show compassion for people going through a lot. On the other hand Nomzamo encouraged suicide survivors to go easy on themselves.

“On this World #SuicidePrevention Day please remember compassion For those who are in the depths of hopelessness. Listen. Ask no questions and be the silent present friend holding them in the light To the suicide survivors, it wasn’t your fault. Give yourself kindness & compassion,” she said.