Kelly Khumalo, and her younger sister, Zandile Khumalo who is also believed to be her only sister broke up last year. It has been a year already since the two of them publicly divorced each other. The two are still going on like it is nothing. They both seem to think the other did them wrong.
Zandi lives with her husband, and they recently welcomed their son, late last year. She is focused on her music, and her family, but there are always hints here and there showing that the two are still not willing to work on fixing things.
Not so long ago, people had hopes that the two had fixed their issues. This was because Zandi had posted pictures of Kelly’s kids holding her newborn. She however took time and corrected her followers, saying that she and Kelly Khumalo are still not in talking terms, but whatever they do, they don’t involve their kids.
Today she took to Instagram, and shared a Tweet by Steve Harvey. The tweet said some people isolate to recharge. She disagreed with it, and said she isolates for life. This only means there’s no hope in her and her sister ever fixing things.