Nicole Nyaba opens up about how AKA ruined her life

Nicole Nyaba has discussed her “relationship” or “situation” with the rapper AKA. During her discussion with Pov Podcast host Gigi Lamayne, the celebrity revealed this information. Nicole, who did not hold back throughout the interview, described AKA’s character and how he allegedly destroyed her life. She began her interview by stating that AKA is a romantic man, but that he is the “devil” who just cares about himself. “Now, I want to say this, you know, he’s a romantic guy, but he’s a devil and a sly one, if you catch my drift.



Knowing what I do now, I can conclude that he is not serious and cares just about himself. Knowing what I know now, I should have never trusted him as a friend, a lover, or in any other capacity,” stated the social media influencer. Nicole said that he may be amorous, giving the impression that he is the ideal spouse, but that does not make him a nice person. “I’m just saying to any lady out there, I’m not saying you shouldn’t date him, but you should know what to anticipate.

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Yes, you’ll find people who will open doors for you, send you sweet messages, and be romantic, but being romantic does not imply love, care, respect, goodwill, or a mutual relationship. Nicole continued by stating that AKA lied to her and made it appear as though they were in a relationship, while in fact they were not. She accuses him of setting her back in her career by five years.

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“The worst aspect of our relationship is that he set my career back five years,” she claimed. Since 2018 until now, I have been unable to attain certain goals since he made it impossible for me to simply be around other people. “He was a waste of my life in the sense that he cost me a lot, to this day I’m dealing with his bullsh*t, to this day people don’t know who I am, to this day people want to call me names, and say she is a gold digger, side chick, slay queen, city girl, and I’m not about that, I’m a lover,” she said, adding that she has proof of everything she said.