Ngizwe Mchunu Attacks The Maker Of Song Of The Year: Justice Must Be Done

Even Ngizwe Mchunu Is not happy to see these. This year things ain’t going well. No one can tell what happened, people in Mzsnsi are still in disbelief about the song of the year. No one can come out upfront and witness ‘DJ Hlo’ but what we find out is that DJ Hlo made it to separate the year.

The nation is not happy at all. At least justice should have been done, Jumbo was the one who was supposed to take over but things did go well. People are not happy at all they feel as if something has been done there at the famous radio ststion.

As you can know, Ngizwe can’t shut his mouth if things went in the wrong direction, he then took a stand to voice out the concern about the matter the can’t be resolved. But in the end, things will come out as it is.