House of Zwide is a South African television drama series. It is an original production, co-produced by The Bomb Shelter and Videovision Entertainment for The series stars Vusi Kunene, Khaya Dladla, Nefisa Mkhabela, and Winnie Ntshaba, among others.
Monday 4 July 2022
Episode 251
-Funani is ready to do DNA test but he plans to hide it from his wife,Faith.
-House of Zwide members are worried as their interns blow out at each other.What are they arguing about?
-Alex Khadzi’s show is going so good.
Tuesday 5 July 2022
Episode 252
-Funani is happy about his success of Jozi Fashion Week but he is worried about the DNA test that are about to arrive.
-They say when two heads come together,they can build success.
-The interns choose friendship and forget about the feud between them to help and support Onalerona to finish her dress.
Wednesday 6 July 2022
Episode 253
-Shoki makes Nkosi to feel happy and better about life.She is indeed supportive partner.
-Funani is shocked with what he finds in the DNA document.Is Onalerona his child?Will he confront the Isaac’s family?
Thursday 7 July 2022
Episode 254
-Funani is on a mission to find out more information about Onalerona at Molapo house.
-Ona is forced to have some sweet words for farewell.
Friday 8 July 2022
Episode 255
-Funani Is Still on a mission to find the truth about Onalerona.He is determined and ready to find secrets as he ask Faith questions that she find difficult to answer.
-Faith lies to Funani.
-Pearl found lover online but Laz give her advice as an claims she found him on online.
What do you think Funani will do?
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