Natasha Thahane reveals just how much she loves breastfeeding and is very blessed with supply.

Being a mother comes with so many changes. Not just on your body only but everything just changes. It can become overwhelming. But seeing your child makes it all better. They have this thing of putting things into perspective. Life becomes meaningful with them in it.

Natasha Thahane recently became a new mother. The way the actress had her life going well for her, you would think she would be somehow but she wasn’t. She seems to be love her new role and we are here for it. She’s back to filming and enjoying life, showing other mothers that life doesn’t end when you have a child.




She’s shared a picture of herself revealing just how much she loves breastfeeding her child. Lucky for her, she even has a huge supply of milk. Everyone knows that breastmilk is very important for children. The fact that she loves it as well is a bonus.