Natasha Thahane leaves her fans stunned with pictures wearing a doek.

Sometimes you need to try different things. It is not because you are not sure of yourself or who you are but simply because you want to discover new things about yourself. We grow everyday and different things bring out a different version of us. It is important to fully know ourself.

Being a public figure is very hard because you always have to look perfect or decent. Your career sometimes depends on how you look. Blood and Water actress Natasha Thahane is a very busy lady. If she’s not acting, she’s a brand ambassador for Garnier. She seems to be loving the brand, making them a perfect fit.




The mother of a one year old, shared pictures of herself channeling her inner Makoti. She’s wearing a doek that she tied beautifully. Her fans couldn’t stop gushing over her. She would make a beautiful makoti, no doubt about that. We should see her more often in one.