Nasty DIVORCE of former The Queen actor

Former The Queen’s actor, Sello Maake ka Ncube is fuming with anger at the realisation he has come across which concerns his divorce with ex- wife.

It is expected for the divorce to be this way as some divorces get nasty but this one by the actor’s ex wife, was not expected at all.

Normally, when people who are married in community of property get divorced, it gets to be very bad as this means all the estates are divided between the two of them. It also depends on who has lot of assets.

Well, in all the process, transparency is expected. Honesty as well is expected.

Unfortunately, it is not the case for the former wife of the veteran actor, Sello Maake ka Ncube. It appears now that Palesa Mboweni has not been honest with her estates.

Maake ka Ncube had a shock of his life when he realised that his ex-wife’s shares, that he wanted to claim from a wine company as a part of the division of their estate, “do not exist”

Never did he imagine in his wildest dreams that the shares do not exist at all.



The thespian and his ex wife, Mboweni, got married in 2015 and divorced after eight months of their marriage.

The two were married in community of property and were ordered by the Pretoria High Court, to equally share their estate.

The court was the one which heard their divorce case and granted them a divorce decree.

Maake ka Ncube was ordered by the court to pay the businesswoman a spousal maintenance and legal fees and R200 000 as an equal share of their Dube house in Soweto, which he owned before getting married with Mboweni.

Last week, the division of their estate took a dramatic twist last week when ka Ncube wrote a letter t