Nasty C shared that his girlfriend is pregnant.

Speaking with the publication, Nasty C shared that although he had always taken pride in his music career, fatherhood has made him focus more on the bigger picture which is to leave a legacy behind.

“Fatherhood has made me take my career a bit more seriously. I’ve always taken it seriously but I’ve always put fun at the forefront. I’ve always been the type of guy to say, ‘Once this thing stops being fun [then] I’m going to stop doing it’, [but] now, it’s not like that anymore,” he was quoted as saying.

“I’m trying to make music that will last forever more than ever. I want to leave something behind that he’s going to be proud of,” the rapper was quoted as saying.



Nasty C
Nasty C confirmed his girlfriend is pregnant during a freestyle. Image via Instagram @nasty_csa

Earlier this month, Nasty C took to his Instagram page and posted a picture of a gold tooth with the name Oliver on it along with a screenshot of a song that he hasn’t released yet, titled Dear Oliver. He accompanied the screenshot with a family emoji and had his social media followers convinced that he and his girlfriend had already picked out the name for their baby who was believed not to have been born at the time.

According to ZiMoja, Nasty C’s tiny tot’s name is indeed Oliver and also has two other names that have not been revealed yet. Speaking about his son to the publication, the SMA hitmaker was quoted as saying,

“He arrived a few weeks ago. He is a strong little boy… “He has a Zulu name, an English and a Japanese name.”