Nandi Madida shares her top 5 beauty secrets

Nandi Madida

Ever wondered how Nandi Madida stays so effortlessly beautiful? The actress, musician and LUX ambassador give us an exclusive into her favourite beauty tips and products.

Nandi Madida1.Body wash over bar soap
Nandi loves thickly textured body bath ” I love Lux lathering body wash I enjoy lathering it up to my neck area because it smells great. My favourite being soft caress because it feels like you’re at a spa, the texture especially is incredible.2. Bath Gel is her secret ingredient to softer skin
She loves adding gel to her bubble bath for extra moisture, by adding gel to her bubble bath she gets more moisture and softer skin. She’s even gotten her family in on the fun ” We use it in the Jacuzzi and we sit there just soak up the fragrant suds”.

3. She loves sweetly scented lotions
Fragrant lotions come highly recommended, soft skin is an attainable and deeply scented lotion that lasts throughout the day without replenishing are what she recommends.

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.Bath VS Shower
She’s a fan of long baths over showers, as this is the ultimate opportunity to relax and reflect on her day.“ Any opportunity to sit back and think about things and enjoy your spare time while grooming and smelling good is great “

.5. Stick with mother nature, her recommendation
She’s a fan of organic and nature-based ingredients in beauty products.Even if the product isn’t all organic she looks for the natural touch in it. Nandi is a strong advocate that no matter what anyone says beauty is exuded from within. Just a reminder to women that you are always beautiful.