Nakhane Toure Hits 33! He wears many hats with so much pride

Post main imageSouth African singer, songwriter, actor, and novelist Nakhane Mahlakahlaka, born as Nakhane Lubabalo Mavuso on 3 February 1988, turns 33 today.

When he was 19, an acoustic guitar gifted to him by his aunt got him into writing songs and performing in open-mic clubs. He soon got signed and began calling himself Nakhane Touré in honour of the Malian musician Ali Farka Touré and also as a tribute to pan-Africanism.

Though Nakhane Toure grew up in a Christian community in Port Elizabeth, at 15 he moved to Johannesburg and renounced the church. In 2013, he declared and began celebrating his queerness with his debut album Brave Confusion.
As he celebrates his birthday today, let us take a look at how he made news the past year.

Nakhane’s proud of the country’s progress

Nakhane Toure was at Woolworths to shop for a pleated black skirt. He spoke of the openness the employee at Woolworths showed, when he declared what he identified as.The singer took to social media to share his experience:

“I was at Woolworths looking for my size. I found what looked like my size and made my way to the fitting rooms. The lady managing it looked at me – I was dressed quite masc – and said (slightly wincing), “I’m sorry, but you have to go to the men’s section.” I replied, “Aaah, but sisi, I’m non-binary mos.” With a second’s thought she said,”I’m so sorry. Please go in.”The world celebrates Nakhane

He stepped into controversy and critical commendation when he starred in John Trengove’s 2017 feature film Inxeba (The Wound). Nakhane Toure relocated to London to record and release his autobiographical album – You Will Not Die – in 2018.

Nakhane’s work was supported by Elton John, who included Nakhane’s music to be part of his hour long Beats 1 radio show.