Rapper Nadia Nakai was the latest celebrity to be on the podcast, Choppin It With Buddha T. She opened up about her personal life a bit and said that she recently reunited with her dad after 30 years of not seeing him. She said that her dad reached out to her when he saw the news about the late rapper AKA’s death, her father lives in Canada and allegedly visits South Africa often as his wife lives in Boksburg. As we all saw how heartbroken she was about her partner’s death. Nadia said that she went back to Zimbabwe to see her grandmother while she was grieving.
She said, “It was actually a good meeting, it was wholesome, it was nice. I didn’t have anger because I feel like I lived a good life with my mom. My mom did that, she raised me well. I didn’t feel like I was losing anything, I think I just wanted to meet him because a lot was going on in my life. I just felt like I needed to find myself. I even went to Zimbabwe.” The best thing to do while grieving is to surround yourself with family and people who love you so that you don’t feel alone. Please don’t forget to like, share, leave a comment, and follow for more articles.