Nadia Nakai has shared her last Whatsapp chat with AKA

Nadia Nakai has shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp chat she had with AKA before he was shot dead in Durban. It has also been revealed that he has worked on a song with KO that has not yet been released to the public. It was known by fans that KO and AKA may not have been working together recently on a song, but now it is clear that the song may be great.



It is not clear to fans why they have not released the song, and now it will be on KO and Nadia to answer questions that will be about that song. Maybe he will share the song and it will be great to continue honouring his colleague. As from AKA and KO, they have not been reported to have been beefing with one another, and the song would have been a collective decision by not being happy with it.

Many artists have spoken about how they have made music that has not been released, simply because they were not happy with the songs. As for Nadia, she is having a great time with Kairo Forbes. She may not be at the best of times, but she is looking happier and healing very well. That was expected coming from her, and when she is in a good place, it will be seen.

“March 10 marks one month since hip hop superstar Kiernan “AKA” Forbes was shot and killed along with his best friend, celebrity chef Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane, outside of Wish restaurant on Florida Road, Durban on February 10. Taking to her Instagram, the star shared a series of photographs and videos, showcasing some of the couple’s happiest moments.”

“The visuals were accompanied by a heartbreaking caption that read: It is been a month, it feels like yesterday. Please can someone undo this? Taking to her Instagram, the ‘Not The Same’ star shared a series of photographs and videos, showcasing some of the couple’s happiest moments.”