Mzansi’s Left surprised After Hearing That Pabi Moloi’s Husband Paid R25 000 Of Lobola & He Want This

Mzansi Is still left in after hearing that Pabi Moloi was paid lobola of R25 000 by her husband Ruan Adams. Mzansi never thought that even celebrities are so cheap like village and rural people.

Pabi Moloi and her husband Ruan Adams are currently going through divorce and according to the look, things are no looking good for media per Pabi Moloi. Her husband is claiming half of everything that she has on their marriage.

Nowadays people have turned into schemes. Money making ways is getting married and later divorce to benefit from other people’s sweat.

According to the source Pabi Moloi’s ‘husband’ Ruan Adams want half of one their multimullion-rand estate. Marriage is a business nowadays and Pabi will not see what happened to her. Her husband is serious that 6 house which she’s owning, shares and investments Ruan Adams want half of it.



The amount of R25 000 of lobolq to someone like Pabi is nothing. Mzansi could not help because the amount is too small. It’s not suprising why Pabi would denied being married to him the amount of lobola was very disgracing. We wonder if his poor.

Pabi and Ruan got married on 30 April 2016 in customer law but Pabi is in denial of getting Marriage on civil or customary law. Her husband still have those pictures to show to the media as his proof.

Give the man his half ,he is legally entitled to it. The amount of R25 000 lobola for such media personality Pabi is so cheap out there. But we all saw those pics and we know that Pabi got married. Pabi could give the man what’s his, if it was her, she were going to do the same thing and you will want our support. It’s only fair that’s how Icop works.

Sign prenuptial agreement before you got married, before magadi, otherwise they will take what u worked hard for.