Mzansi pictures Kelly Khumalo in a jail uniform and do the edits

The country is shaking after hearing the new evidence from defense lawyer Dan Teffo concerning the death of Orlando Pirates goalkeeper Senzo Meyiwa who was shot dead at Kelly’s mother’s house 7 years ago. Senzo who was cheating on his wife with Kelly by that time was killed by a gunshot and throughout the seven years of investigation, the court was always given new evidence that keeps pointing at different people.



Advocate Dan Teffo says he will bring an eyewitness to testify that Kelly killed Senzo by mistake. Many people are angry at Kelly as to why did she not tell the truth since day one if she really loved him. Instead she quickly did a song ‘Asine’ few days after his death to defend herself. The Meyiwa family has been anticipating evidence that will bring justice to their son. In 2020, Senzo’s mother said she fears Kelly. ” I fear Kelly, I’m scared of her, she has the guts to hide the truth about what happened to my son”, she said so heartbroken as she was.

It seems like mzansi people can’t wait to see Kelly behind bars. They have already started picturing her in jail uniform and as a result they have edited some pictures of people wearing jail uniform and put her head. Jokes aside, Senzo Meyiwa’s murder deserves to rot in jail. The Meyiwa’s family has cried it’s enough, justice must be sought.