Mzansi Magic Reality Show Star Dies ( Gina Sokoyi )

Mzansi Magic aired its first season of Becoming in April, the show follows the life of four individuals who are on the road of transitioning. It’s one of a kind show for many South Africans as it’s the first show ever to be aired on TV where it dives deep into the world of transgender people.

One of the cast member who’s known as Gina Sokoyi stood out from the rest, her story captivated a number of viewers as many stayed tuned every Wednesday to learn more about her. All she ever wanted was to be a female, she states that being gay was the closest thing to be who she felt she truly was. The previous episodes of Becoming she can be heard describing the type of woman she envisioned herself to be, she added that she was trapped in a wrong body.

Last night’s episode showed her take steps into becoming the woman she has always believed to be, an appointment with a doctor resulted in working on one of her insecurities. She can clearly be heard talk about her dislike for having a beard which the doctor helped her with that, unfortunately it wasn’t all roses for Gina as her skin rejected the treatment.

A number of her personal videos flooded our TV screen as they showed the star talk about being suicidal, she can be later heard saying that she came to far to just end her life like that. There was hope and light at the end of the tunnel, watching her journey gave viewers fals hope. We all waited for the episode where she would walk across the room as a female and see her beautiful smile but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. The episode left viewers emotional when the news of her passing was announced.

Gina Sokoyi passed away last year 2020 in July after contracting the Coronavirus. It’s unfortunate how her death allowed her to transition into the spiritual world but not physically. Fans were obviously distraught when they heard the news, they had grew to love and understand those who want to have a sex change through her.