Melusi is so excited about this divorce but he forget about the safety of Thathi. His only thinking about himself at this momen. Gladys and Thati has been fighting for Mel till the last episodes of Season 2. Eventhough both women got hurt in the process while Melusi ontinued to dribble them. Ever since Gomora started Melusi has beeeen chasing aftet Thati and Ntokozo has beeen chasing aftet Mazet. I get love but if I was Thati I would not entertain Melusi.
Not after she tried and he still went back to his wife, so she was supposed to wait for him. He ddnt divorce his wife, he got divorced and only then went for Thati.
So Melusi waited for Gladys to serve him with divorce papers for him to realise that he belongs together with Thati? Why didn’t he leave all these years? Melusi is a man inlove, I think he has always known he belongs to Thati, it’s Gladys that always hung on the belief that “he will come around” but at the end he doesn’t. His heart has always been with Thathi from day one. I feel like Thati is not worried enough about her missing daughter. If she was worried she shouldn’t be standing with Melusi.
Mzansi has wished Gladys can have a boyfriend while Melusi is loosing Thati on the other side just to wipe that smile away from him. I feeled Phumlani when he said “what was that man doing in my house?”. its sad that Thathi did not see this coming. Phumlani is too sweet to be abusive husband and Thathi did not see the red flag.
When Phumlani dies, he will look like he was an innocent men, and Mam Sonto and Mazet will defend him not knowing the monster he was. And Thathi would have killed Phumlani as self defense.