Mzansi Is Left Stitched After Maseko Was Given Beating By Fezile’s Family In #Umndeni

Today’s episode of #Umndeni was a lot of drama. Fezile’s family have dealt with Maseko decisively. Mzansi have always wanted someone to face Maseko and tell him that he’s a coward. We are glad Fezile’s aunt told him. #Umndeni fans and viewers have loved Fezile’s family. They asked Maseko if he’s lost while he was standing at the gate.


This family revealed that they truly hate Maseko and they won’t even in the future approved this relationship. No wander Fezile keeps running back to Maseko, her Family is toxic n doesnt give her the sense of belonging. I doubt they’ll get married because Fezile told her family that she doesn’t love Maseko. We were confused as to why the family continued to go through with this. Now we are mor confused why the aunt hates Maseko that much. Whether she likes it or not, Fezile will stay with that guy such unnecessary drama.

Fans think that Fezile’s family does this for cameras, because they followed Maseko and screaming like kids, they too old for that, families fight, but they not quick to turn everything to violence.

Maseko family should right a letter to tell them about the apology, and they should come early maybe morning or afternoon. He should not bring his wife maybe some elders that’s Zulu tradition though. Maybe they were wrong not to tell Fezile but traditional he can’t discuss things like that they were expecting to do that.

Maseko mentioned that he’s doing things according to his own tradition. Remember not everyone is Zulu. Not that Maseko is right, but this is the kind of family that ruins your marriage intentionally because their own lives and marriages didn’t pan out.