Mzansi Is Impressed By A Young Lady Who Sells Scones And Coffee On The Side Of the Road, Here’s Why

Street trader is a person who sells something in the street, either from a stall or van or with their goods laid out on the pavement.

Street food vending serves two important functions. First, it is a source of employment for many people who cannot otherwise be absorbed into the skilled, formal sector of the economy. Secondly, street food vendors perform the task of providing ready-to-eat food to a large cross-section of local people.




People are left impressed after a picture of a young lady was shared on Twitter. The young woman who shared this young lady’s picture on Twitter is Buhlenomuhle.

She shared a picture of a young lady who was sitting on the side of the road selling scones, muffins, tea and coffee. It is alleged that she wakes up every morning and sits next to the road not far from her house and starts selling.

People were impressed after seeing this. They said that they would like to contribute to her business. They also mentioned that she sells scones at a lower price and there’s no reason not to support her.