Mzansi: Cassper Nyovest Cries At The Memorial Service Of Dj Sumbody. See Here

Cassper Nyovest fights back his tears while speaking about the his bestfriend DJ Sumbody.

Cassper nyovest is one of many people who attended the memorial service of DJ somebody who was shot dead when he was coming from a musical concept cassper nyovest display the highways want to meet his friend Dj somebody.





you must understand that there are people in life that are way too important and when they are gone you will forever remember them because of their good heart and the good thing that they have done didn’t somebody was one of those people who cassper refer as a close friend.

Below are comment made by people.

@casspernyovest when you did remote control with DJ Somebody for me that song changed the game.. I kept playing the song and imitating how cool yoll looked in the video.. Can this keep a smile on your FACE during these times. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING.

First thing i did when i heard of dj Somebody’s death i thought of @casspernyovest gore how’s the dude feeling yooh askies fifi.

Cassper is about to make the sad passing of Dj Somebody about himself. Like he did with Ricky who was not even getting alon with him on the time of passing.

This ain’t About Cassper Yohh Dj Somebody has a family we should feel for his Family. Your Making everything about Cassper the world doesn’t revolve around him his living his dream that guy his rich pray for your loved ones,the sick the needy.
