My stepdad helped me through it all!

Sa News
Ahmed January 8, 2020 No Comments

HIS stepdad was the wind beneath his wings.

Siyamthanda Prusent (17) from Bhukulani Secondary in Zondi, Soweto, said his stepfather stood by him and helped him achieve the seven distinctions out of seven subjects.

“He helped me with my schoolwork. My mum, who is a domestic worker, also helped and encouraged me.”
“I walked to school to study to avoid the noise,” he said.

He said the road to success was not an easy.

The noisy neighbours and load shedding didn’t help either.

Siyamthanda got distinctions in maths, physical science, life science, life orientation, Zulu, English and geography.

He said extra classes also helped a lot.

“I was one of many matric pupils who attended extra classes in the morning, afternoon and even over the weekends, said Siyamthanda.

“I was fortunate because Bhukulani School was not that far from my home which made things easy for me. I was always on time for school and I was never absent.”

He wants to study a degree in Actuarial Science.

He says he chose the degree because he loves the challenge.

“There aren’t many actuarial scientists in the country,” he said.

He said he has applied for admission at the University of Johannesburg, the University of Pretoria, Wits University and the University of Western Cape but he prefer the ones next to his home in Zondi, Soweto.

He said: “My parents can’t afford to pay for my studies so I have applied for financial assistance. That’s one of the reasons why I worked so hard to qualify for university entrance.”