” My 9 year old twins are asking me why I broke up with their father”- Lady says

Kgothatso broke up with the father of her kids because he was a narcissist. He cheated on her so many times and she couldn’t take it anymore. Now her 9 year old twins are asking questions about why they are not together anymore. She says she doesn’t know what to say to them because she doesn’t want to lie to them.




” My 9 year old twins are asking me why I broke up with their father. He was a narcissist and cheated on me. I don’t know what to say.” She tweeted.

“Tell them that things did not work out. Tell them that there are things that he does that you don’t agree with and they will understand it better when they’re older.” Said @Chrisie_L

“Tell them the truth but don’t paint him as a bad person because they will hate him.” Said @Nanakuko_568.

“Just don’t say anything that will make them hate their father.” Said @Leo_TheUncle.