“My 14 year old daughter claim that my dress is too short” check why this post left people talking

Mothers frequently reprimand their daughters for their clothing choices.


But it appears that things have changed. Mothers are receiving more and more criticism for their sense of style, with up to a third being called embarrassing.

While a quarter of young women believe their mothers dress too young, a fifth believe they are stylish.

More than two thirds say they would never want to look like their mother, and one in four thinks she wears clothes that are just too exposing.

Less than one-third of respondents believe their mother dresses appropriately, and many feel she shops at the incorrect outlets or just attempts to imitate current trends.

Speaking of mothers who wears short clothes it brings me to this mother who posted pictures of herself rocking a red mini dress but claim that her 14 year old daughter says that it is too small this caused a stir on social media.