Vutshilo has trust issues and he blames his father Azwindini, because currently he can’t allow anyone to come next to Zama, he always wants to control Zama because he thinks that he might lose her.
The Problem starts after Azwindini fall in love with Gugu knowing very well how Vutshilo Fells about her, so now it is hard for Vutshilo to trust any man that comes next to Zama, he also doubts his cousin Kgosi after discovering that they fall sleep together while they were playing videos.
So currently Vutshilo told Zama that he is Done with her after finding her with Gugu, he was thinking that Gugu wants to bad mouth him to Zama.
Vutshilo really hate the man he becomes because even Zama noticed that Vutshilo really need help because he might end up being abusive to women.
So eventually Vutshilo will go to his father Azwindini and confront him about the issue, because it is really hard for him.
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