Muvhango| Tenda has been exposed, will he found the truth about baby Kenosi?

The situation is starting to be tougher for Tenda after he was exposed by Moipone on Thursday about killing his nephew, and this time Mpho nearly told the police about this issue which has caused serious havoc in his family because he will lose Kenosi again as Moipone tries to blackmail him.

But will he find peace in his life by knowing that Kenosi is his real child that was kidnapped in the hospital, maybe it’s clear that Tenda doesn’t deserve to be a parent because of the horrible things that he has done to other people and the past has come to haunt him again?

Killing a family member is a serious problem that he won’t forget for the rest of his life because other family members will keep. revealing it.

They are also some serious problems happening to the Mudau family where Rendani has given Tshireletso poison that might claim his life.