Muvhango – Susan plots her sweet revenge after Azwindini meets young Boipelo

Azwindini (Gabriel Temudzani) gets the shock of his life when his wife Susan (Maumela Mahuwa) turns from the loving caring woman that he knows and loves, into an angry, vengeful woman he doesn’t recognise.

The tables have been turned between the pair and Azwindini finds himself at his wife’s mercy for survival.





Azwindini recently left Venda and moved to Johannesburg after Susan requested some space after he stole her life savings to buy himself a car before he was reinstated as chief and got access to the royal money again.

He later got hijacked, the insurance refused to pay because he didn’t have a tracking device installed, and needless to say, it meant that Susan’s money had gone down the drain – unleashing the devil that had been hidden beneath her sweet exterior for years.

Azwindini’s plans for greener pastures in Johannesburg don’t work out and while licking his wounds, Azwindini meets a young woman named Boipelo (Bonolo Tlaletse) who sends his world spinning.

He gets carried away with this relationship overnight and he becomes the man about town, splashing his royal money everywhere now that he’s chief again, to the point that he is buying matching cars for himself and his girlfriend.

Azwindini hasn’t been able to spoil himself with the royal money in a long time, so he is taking advantage of it right now.

Azwindini’s Joburg adventures reach Susan’s ears in Venda though, and she isn’t impressed. “Susan is concerned for Azwindini’s reputation and what people will think about the Chief Of Thathe running around with a woman who’s young enough to be his daughter. Why is Azwindini behaving in a way that his title doesn’t allow him to?” asks Maumela.

Personally she isn’t bothered about Azwi’s shopping spree or the new girl in his life as much as the royal house’s image.

Source: TVSA