Muvhango Imani Praying For Everyone Suffering In Silence

Muvhango Imani Praying For everyone suffering in silence

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Indeed is true when they say that everyone is going through their own things in life.

We do all have problems but no one will ever tell you what is it that is troubling them .

In this world people are struggling to cope with a lot of situations.



On today’s article we talk about Imani from muvhango talking about praying for the people that are going through the most in silence.

It has come to a realization that it is time people open up about depression.

Now the eyes of people have opened up,south Africans have noticed that many celebrities are dying in silence because of depression.

When celebrities are busy entertaining us through their industry,we dont know how they are feeling, we always think that they are all happy and have things all figured out hence we are wrong.

A lot of Celebrities mostly have died through depression, because they are failing to be open about it.

South Africans need to be prayed for ,we need Deliverance and healing from the spirit of depression and the spirit of Suicide that is hovering amongst us.

Last year we thought Covid was here to finish us off ,but now it looks like the depression spirit is the one people are suffering from.

Writers Opinion

I think Zonke Aka Imani Is doing the right thing by offering prayer to those who are in need of prayer .

People die with their problems and not tell anyone about it.

Let us join in prayer and pray for these people to heal and that they learn to open up about it because life is too short to be holding on to pain and worries.

What do you think about it ?will prayer help?